Welcome back, my lovelies (or "Hey!" if you're new here!). Today we are talking all about avoiding our anxiety triggers and keeping our mental health in tip-top shape, even during a time that can be very challenging. These are some of the things I have been adopting to keep my mind healthy, and really hope it helps you too. Let me know in the comments if you’re doing the same, or if you have any suggestions for me that help you to avoid your triggers.
1. Switch off the news.
Constant reminders, push notifications on your phone, the endless conversations regarding COVID-19 can send anyone into meltdown. I've decided to only dedicate 5 minutes (if that) a day to check the recent updates and guidance for safety reasons, and I only do that in the evenings. Try to start your day with some meditation and exercise before feeding your mind with worries etc. from the news, it does everything for your peace of mind TRUST ME.
2. Journaling.
Now this is something that I've been doing for years, but even more so now, because of everything that is going on in the world, journaling serves as a fantastic way to self-reflect and figure out just what your triggers are. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, fearful or anxious but the important thing is that we don't become overcome by those emotions. Feel the emotions and then release them on paper.
Journaling helps to organise and settle your thoughts, and it creates a safe place for you to place your fears or worries. What's even better is I found that after pouring out my feelings on paper, it tends to inspire some sort of creativity like a new blog post!
3. Do things that help you to switch off and unwind.
Watch a film or series completely unrelated to real life. I love an animated movie or a comedy film, it just lightens the atmosphere and helps me to escape even if just for an hour. I am still working part-time in the pharmacy during the pandemic and when at home I'm attempting to home-school my son and that combination can become a little overwhelming at times so when my little one is napping its the perfect opportunity for me to unwind and reset so I have the strength (and sanity) to continue!
4. Realistic Tasks, Expectations and Time scales.
If you find that your anxiety levels increase when you're idle or inactive like me, try and create a 'to-do list' the night before your scheduled tasks, and create realistic expectations of when they can be achieved. I usually reward myself with a relaxing home facial or one of my favourite dishes.
5. Take a Break from Social Media!
Get off social media for periods in the day and have time to just be you. Shut off the comparisons for a while. No comparison of what challenge or loungewear shoot your friend or someone across the world is doing -- just zone in on you. Remember, you have the right to unfollow anyone that may trigger you; it's YOUR social space so make it a pleasurable environment and fill it with all the things you love. Maybe instead of following pages that celebrate unattainable perfection, follow some accounts that encourage or motivate you. Or how about you indulge in a bit of self-care, or intentionally focus on spending some real, uninterrupted, focused time with your family.
"There is no traffic when you create your own lane."
Stop distractions and interruptions and you'll find that you become more in tune with who you really are and what you love. There has been so much pressure to learn something, create something and unlock passions during this pandemic, but there is no better time to hone in on your passions and craft than when you are alone, at peace and not comparing yourself to the next person.
6. Get some fresh air.
Be kind to your mind. Get outside and try actually 'turning off' for a little; try spending time not thinking of your to-do list for a while and take in all the beautiful surroundings that is nature. Focus on how beautiful the birds sound when they're singing, how blue the sky looks today, how stunning the flowers look as they bloom, just anything that helps clear your mind.
7. Rest.
I've found that when I'm tired physically, it impacts on me mentally. Being a mum to a toddler, I often feel guilty for resting, but it's a must. Resting and resetting is a must. Don't feel guilty if you need some time in the day (or damn well the entire day) to just chill and Netflix it out. In order for us to be productive and creative, we need that energy and fuel, otherwise you'll be burnt out before the task even begins.

Sign in and Let me know below if these tips helped and if you have any tips or tricks for avoiding your anxiety triggers.
And remember...Stay positive, Stay safe and Stay sane.
Simply Deborah